Sunday, April 22, 2007

Promoting My Wife's Church

Neon Prime Time recently asked me if I am United Methodist. Apparently the blogroll including Poplar Grove United Methodist Church and the official UMC website weren't clues enough (I'm not making fun of you, Neon, really . . .). Without further ado, let me introduce to you, pictured to your left, the senior pastor of Poplar Grove UMC, Poplar Grove, IL, and my wife of nearly fourteen years, the Rev. Lisa Kruse-Safford. If you click the link, you will find we are a busy, growing church. I just wanted to put all this out there, up front. I know the website needs tweaking (OK, more than tweaking; we are in serious need of professional web-design, but that is kind of a sore spot right now, so let's just let it go) but it does have all sorts of info on events, schedules, even my wife's melodious voice sermonizing. Click, explore, and visit often.

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