Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My Flabber is Gasted

Some days, it just doesn't pay to read the news on the internet. The amount of total, absolute bullshit from official sources is staggering. The amount of incompetence is overwhelming and, quite frankly, embarrassing. The amount of corruption is enraging. When all of these, and more, are on display in a single day, on a single website - well, let's just say, for this teetotaler, it makes me want to find a good bottle of something strong and forget who I am for a few hours. All the following links are from Think, today:

- With all due respect to my Okie friend ER, Inhofe is an embarrassment.

- Tell me again why Paul Wolfowitz isn't in prison?

- The angels weep because the stupid hurts them so much.

- I am suffering more because this is now in my head and will never leave it.

All these goons, idiots, buffoons, and criminals make me ashamed to be an American right now. Do they have any idea how stupid we look to the rest of the world? Do they have any idea they have turned this never perfect, always striving, last best hope for humanity into a Third World kleptocracy?

There is an old dictum that the people get the government they deserve. I'm sorry, but we don't deserve this bunch. They are relentless in their determination to destroy this country, indeed if Wolfowitz is any example, any institution they come in to contact with. Can we just toss them out now?

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