Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If This Is the Attack Dog, Maybe the Administration Needs to Visit the Kennel

So they sent Dick Cheney out to go after Harry Reid. Think Progress.org does the fact checking - kind of a thankless task - but the larger issue is simple. Why would they send out a person less popular, and with less credibility, than Alberto Gonzalez to attempt to intimidate the Senate majority leader? As Nico writes at the end of the piece:
CNN’s Dana Bash reported that Cheney’s Capitol Hill press conference was “virtually unprecedented,” but that war critics “aren’t worried about it.” As one said in an email, “I wish Dick Cheney would come out every single day.”(emphasis added)

As Atrios says (and, yes, it might seem that he rules my world, but he doesn't; he's just shorter, pithier, and more to the point than I could possibly be):
Cheney's an absurd buffoon. I can't believe how the talking heads on the teevee seem to quiver when he appears. What a joke.(emphasis added)

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