Saturday, September 01, 2007

Exhaustion - And A Break

Today, I realized that I have reached a point of exhaustion. I am physcially exhausted from a combination of working forty hours a week, at nights, at a physically demanding job; the demands of being a parent and spouse; and the desire to always put up my best at this blog. The past week has provided interesting and frusrating times, from Sen. Craig's prosecution for public lewdness and consequent resignation to the revelations yesterday that the Bush Administration was providing disinformation on visiting Democratic lawmakers in Iraq. In between, I have had on-going disputes with readers who continue to deny reality, as well as having to witness the defensive reactions of Democrats who have managed to acquiesce to the least popular President in history, out of fear not so much of him, but of press reactions to a possibility that never came to pass. Rather than being proactive, using the support of the American people to change the way things are done, the Democrats show the world they are a bunch of losers, equally unworthy, like the Republicans before them, of the trust placed in them by the American people.

I'm bushed. Wiped out. On a day off I managed to sleep for five hours today. The combination of intellectual, physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion have left me empty inside, and I do believe that, as with my time last June, I need a break. I shall not be blogging this next week, returning next Sunday (the day after my upcoming trip to see Rush on the south side of Chicago) in the hope of being refreshed, renewed, and restored. My hope is to keep away from the computer as much as possible, staying away especially from anything that smacks of right-wing demoagogy and fundamentalist nonsense.

For now, then, have a good long weekend, a good week, and when all is said and done, I hope to be in a better mood, better frame of mind, and better able to continue this blog. Take care, and God Bless.

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