Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Pre-Emptive Strike - Neil Wants To Refute Me

Over at this thread at Marshall's place (a discussion of whether or not nuking Japan at the end of WWII was justified), Neil, of the "4 Simpsons" blog, writes the following:
Sorry to be off topic, but I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your response on Geoffrey's idiotic "Dead baby jokes" post. I'm debating whether to do a post on his hopelessly flawed radical pro-abortion views.

I am honored that something I wrote is considered dangerous enough to be in need of refutation by a fundie. Since my post was not so much about pro-choice, but rather the skewed moral priorities of those who place more worth upon a human fetus than they do upon real, live children (and, of course, other human beings as well). I have heard nary a peep from a single right-wing Christian about President Bush's plan to gut the S-CHIP program, designed to provide health insurance to the most vulnerable in our society. All we ever get from them are flash-cards of aborted fetuses (for the record, my preference is "feti").

This is my complaint in the post in question. THEY DON'T GIVE A TINKER'S DAMN ABOUT REAL HUMAN LIFE. Why is that so hard to fathom? They carry on and on about the sanctity of life, yet they continue to support a President responsible for government-sponsored death, whether in the form of state-sponsored murder in the form of execution, state-sponsored terrorism in our war/occupation of Iraq, and state-sponsored neglect of our poor, through the defunding of S-CHIP (among many, many programs to help the poor). I would truly like to believe they love life, and want all human beings to have life, and it more abundantly, but I don't buy it, because their actions speak much louder than their constant bleating.

I am not pro-abortion. I am pro-choice. The nice thing about this country (unlike, say, China) is the state does not force anyone to have an abortion. If you choose not to have one, why, don't. If you believe that life is sacred, then work to end the war, work for universal health care, more funding for school breakfast and lunch programs, work to end capital punishment, work for more funding for AIDS and cancer research, work for more funding for infrastructure improvements, work for rebuilding New Orleans. If you believe in the sanctity of all life, work for equal rights for all citizens - including gays and lesbians. If you believe in the sanctity of life denounce the America-hating, woman and gay-hating comments of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell in the wake of 9/11.

Finally, Neil, no matter how impeccable your logic, no matter how irrefutable your conclusions, I wouldn't be convinced, because arguments don't convince me. Life convinces me. Live out a consistent practice of upholding the sanctity of life, and maybe then we'll talk. Until then, "refute" all you want, because I honestly couldn't care less or be less impressed.

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