Sunday, August 26, 2007


First, let me say that any excuse to post a Tool song is OK by me. The following is concert footage of Tool's "The Grudge", and the person operating the camera apparently was unaware that trying to capture an image in low light from a distance leads only to a black screen. Much of the time I believe the attention is supposed to be on lead singer Maynard James Keenan. The result is darkness, although this is not necessarily bad, this being Tool.

My wife preached forgiveness today, with the title of her service, "The Grudge". Had she asked my advice, I most definitely would have had her use this song. "Give away the stone/Let the waters kiss and transmutate/The lead that crushes in to gold". That is what forgiveness does - I honestly don't care whether one uses a Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, or non-religious defense of forgiveness, the end result is the same. We are freed from the burden of hate, from the oppressiveness of carrying this weight that will crush us if we let it.

Just thought I'd share this. Again, any excuse to post a Tool song. . .

Virtual Tin Cup

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