Monday, November 06, 2006

When all else fails, keep the voters at home

Jane Hamsher over at FDL has this little ditty from my old stomping grounds. Five years in the Old Dominion was enough to convince me that, while summer lasted until October, winter was the four or five weeks after Christmas, and spring started in early March with the dogwoods blooming, I was not cut out to live in the Old South (there is no such thing as the New South except in the minds of people who don't live there). Yes, let's keep the voters at home. Let's lie, let's misdirect, let's threaten, and then let's be stupid enough to put "Paid for by the RNC" on the fliers.

The best thing in the Democrats favor is that these idiots are, in the wonderful words of Duncan over at atrios, too stupid to breathe. More than polls, more than frustration at a war gone horribly wrong, more than the notion that the nation really has awakened from its five-year-long slumber of trust in those in whom no trust should reside - it is the simple fact that the current bunch of leaders of the Republican party not only are stupid, they think the rest of us are, too. The polls close in Illinois in 26 hours and 42 minutes.

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