Say what you will about him, love him or hate him, Jerry Falwell certainly doesn't hide his light under a bushel or pull his punches. In his nationally syndicated Old Time Gospel Hour sermon yesterday, as reported here, Falwell declared that Hillary Clinton (well read in theologians like Paul Tillich and Reinhold Niebuhr, of whom I wonder if Falwell has even heard; she raised her daughter in the United Methodist Church; Chelsea Clinton's confirmation class retreat was held at the White House) and Nancy Pelosi (I know nothing and care nothing about her religious beliefs) were "ungodly". Apparently, the whole "judge not lest ye by judged by the same measure" thing slipped right through Falwell's steel-trap mind.
He is entitled to his political opinions, as are we all. He is even entitled to his theological views, as are we all. To claim, based solely on the former, an insight into other's spiritual status is awful. In my previous blog, I actually said some nice things about Falwell, things I will not take back. I cannot, however, sit idly by and allow him to say that some persons exist outside either the grace or Providence of God. If he has a problem with the politics of either of these women, or anyone else, let him battle it out in the realm of ideas. To exclude those with whom he disagrees politically from the family of God is wrong, and has no place in civilized theological or churchly discourse, least of all in a Sunday sermon. Falwell has disgraced the pulpit.