Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Night Quicky

i just want to relate this from my experience as an election judge today. Turn-out was "higher than average", and in the precinct where I was judge that was . . . just under 34%!!! Part of me says "Yea!" to all those who voted, and "Thpthpthpthp!" to all those who didn't. For those who used some lame excuse, there was an individual, a man who is a member of our church, who is elderly and quite ill with Parkinson's Disease among other ailments. On his wife's arm, his walker in front of him, he came in and voted. It took him longer than most people, just to walk the length of the table, but he did it. Why didn't everyone? Of 689 registered voters in the precinct, 240 voted. I hope we can do better next election.

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