Friday, November 10, 2006

Some comments on new links, etc.

With the rush of the coming election last weekend, and its aftermath, I haven't taken time to remark on some of the changes here, or why it was necessary. Starting in September or early October, I was experiencing multiple problems with my local IP. For that reason, we had no internet in the Kruse-Safford household. When I could get through to Blogger, I couldn't access my account, nor could I get them to send me my username or password. I succumbed to the inevitable once our internet service had returned, without problems, and decided to start a new blog.

I changed the name because I found the original title intellectually dishonest. To call oneself a "Progressive Christian" (a) puts the cart before the horse, as it were, putting one's political positions ahead of one's faith commitments; (b) ignores the reality that a "Christian" does not exist, but is an abstraction. Christians only exist as members of local faith communities. The church is where Christians are; anywhere else and you look in vain; (c) modifies one's Christian faith by the word "progressive", and it smacks of elitism. A more accurate description of my beliefs about myself and the relationship between my politics and my faith is reflected in the new title, although I still have the "church" part following a description of my politics. Perfection is something towards which we strive . . .

As I have revamped the blog, gone into beta, I have added a whole slew of links that I use all the time in my wanderings and meandering around the internet. Some of them, like "Christy's" and "Contra Capa" are there because I happen to like them - and I enjoy flirting with their author, even though she lives in Portugal. "PGUMC" is there because that is my wife's church; the same goes for the homepage of the United Methodist Church. I find these are the links to which I go more than any other, and to which I link in posts again and again.

Finally, a special note about one specific link to which I referred last night - "The Power of Narrative" by Arthur Silber. Arthur's posts are usually long, always well-written, thoughtful, even provocative. There is a depth and seriousness to them that I envy, and towards which I strive. I disagree with much of what he writes, no so much politically as intellectually. I find his analysis based on presuppositions with which I cannot agree. Just because I do not agree with him, I still turn to him time and again because he makes me think, challenging me to think deeply about matters of great importance. A diaolgue with Arthur can only help me, and all of us.

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