Monday, November 06, 2006

Trying to get those last minute pre-election posts in

Over here at the Rudicus Report, I took on the fake cynicism of one who thinks he has it all figured out. I am tired of know-it-alls, whether they are Christian know-it-alls who have salvation, God, Jesus, heaven, whatever all figured out; science know-it-alls who have phsyics/chemistry/biology/cosmology all figured out; and socio-political know-it-alls who have our country all figured out, and have given up on it. Each of these is a form of elitism, really a kind of sophomoric gloating in the superiority of one's own knowledge, even wisdom, over and against the great unwashed masses who are so ignorant, so purblind, so benighted, they couldn't even grasp all that such sages have to offer.

I will say this only once. I do not believe for one minute that the Republicans will still hold both houses of Congress as of January 1, 2007. If, however, all the polls, all the predictions, all the pundits (good, bad, and horrible) are wrong and the Republicans still hold Congress, does that mean that our country is doomed? Or, perhaps, does it mean that we must continue to work, write, protest, even harder? I for one would rather die on my feet than live on my knees, accepting some "inevitable" Republican shenanigans that destroy our democracy.

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