The election is just two days away (thankfully) and we all know that both sides are going to pull out all the stops. I guess I shouldn't be surprised when even a Republican I occasionally admire becomes a sock puppet for the usual gang of idiots, but when I saw the headline
over this story I threw up my hands.
Ask yourself a few questions:
A)Does Liddy Dole actually believe that the Democrats want to "lose" in Iraq?
B)Does Liddy Dole know what winning as opposed to losing in Iraq?
C)Does Liddy Dole feel happier knowing she made herself a sock puppet on national television?
The fact that someone - anyone - can get on national television and say such an inane, meaningless thing and not be challenged shows how low our media has sunk, a totally different topic. The fact that a person who is in a position of authority would demean themselves to go on national television to say something that (a) is meaningless in and of itself; (b) the person saying it knows is meaningless; (c) even if it had meaning would be demonstraly untrue all prove not that our political system is broken so much as those in charge of communicating the message of one of the two major parties in the United States thinks that most of us are actually quite stupid. Alas and alack, it is not we who are stupid. Indeed, I do believe that shall send a loud and firm message that we will no longer be treated as if we are stupid. It is, in fact, they who are stupid. The well is dry, this dog don't hunt/bark/sniff/yowl/lift its leg anymore. I don't care what metaphor one chooses, but Liddy's sad performance shows that, in the words of Owny Madden in The Cotton Club, "That bastard's time is just about up."