Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Music (NSFW) (UPDATED)

What the heck. It's the only part of the holiday I like.

Rob Zombie - "Demonoid Phenomenon"

(There's a better video over at YouTube, but it can't embed. Damnit)

Black Sabbath - "Black Sabbath"

Robert Johnson - "Hellhound On My Trail". If you aren't familiar with the legend of Robert Johnson, it's a great Halloween story. He met the Devil at a crossroads in Mississippi, and sold his soul to the devil for the ability to play the guitar. The song "Crossroads" tells the story.

UPDATE: There's nothing particularly scary about this one, except perhaps for how serious Manson seems to take himself. It is kind of scary, though, because this is what many right-wingers think of when they think of liberals. This is Marilyn Manson's "Irresponsible Hate Anthem", one of the best song titles ever.

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