Monday, November 05, 2007

Music Monday

I was, again, going to do a post in honor of my hometown radio station. Along the way, however, I got sidetracked, and decided to do a post honoring a great songwriter who ranks with Irving Berling and Goerge and Ira Gershwin as a giant in American popular song. I think he gets short shrift because he was carrying on a tradition in an era that diminished that kind of thing, but I think Burt Bacharach wrote some of the catchiest melodies around. I know there are some who will dismiss it, and think I am off my rocker, but so be it.

As he will always be linked, in my mind at least, with Dionne Warwick, the following posts are Warwick-heavy. If this is a further turn-off, so be it.

I love this song. Sorry, but I do. "This Girl's In Love With You":

"I Say A Little Prayer For You":

Here she is in 1985 doing "What's It All About, Alfie":

I swear, soon I will do a post on my hometown radio station. This post is relevant, by the way, as you may see if I ever get around to doing that one.

Virtual Tin Cup

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