Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Think Dan Finally Gets It

I was sneaky. I read this post. At the end of a too-long back and forth (Lord, but that Bubba just goes on and on, doesn't he?) Dan Trabue wrote a comment that includes the following:
It's one thing to disagree with my opinion, I'm fine with that. But saying I don't BELIEVE my own opinions? Well, where does one go from there?

A more apt description of why I don't interact with them (beside their quite obvious mental health issues) I could not hope to find. While I certainly feel bad leaving Dan over there all by himself, gamely playing the blog-comment game with people who seem to think they win because we walk away, I think he finally understands why I do not post comments, do not participate in discussions, and take their occasional appearance here at my blog as an excuse to point and laugh at them.

It became clear to me when Marshall once actually wrote, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Geoffrey, you say X, but X really means Not-X, so that's what you really mean." I was dumb-founded by that. The assertion that something I had written meant the exact opposite of the pretty-clear meaning of the words on the screen just . . . I mean, how can a person go through life thinking he or she is so smart, so clever as to actually be able to understand another person's mind in this way?

This is why I say they are insane.

And Bubba is quite tiresome. Being overwhelmed by that kind of BS would be enough reason for me not to engage him.

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