Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fantasy & Reality

I spend most of my time on the internet reading stuff that interests me, makes me think, and encourages me. I have surrendered any attempt at dialogue with those with whom there is fundamental disagreement. The descent in to ad hominem attacks and pointless repetition is mind-numbing; that, and the simple fact that - not to toot my own horn - most of the people on the right who choose to engage me are dumber than stumps doesn't help either.

I had occasion this week to peruse a site I once checked on occasion. It became clear, once I moved down through the comments on one post, that the folks who managed this particular web site were now all part of the village board in Crazytown. One in particular just about bowled me over.
No self-respecting liberal would ever criticize Obama... but then again using "self-respecting" and "liberal" in the same sentence is, at the very least, oxymoronic.

Since I have nothing good to say about liberalism in America, I'll simply say they are beneath me, and only worth note in as much as an ant is worth note when it decides to chew on my toe... best to squish it, then burn out the entire nest.

Nancy Pelosi? She should be shot for treason.

Mr. Reid? Shot.

Every single one of those monstrous democrat excuses for representatives and senators who vote the evil machinations of Barack Obama into law....? Taken out back and shot for traitors.

Perhaps one day, liberalism will be treated as the disease it is, and its adherents as the mental defects they are.

Far as I'm concerned, anyone who can point at Barack Obama and honestly say that he is the right man for the Oval Office; that he's a good and Godly man who is living up to his oath of office, is an idiot... irrespective of their degree of education. They are idiots, and as such should never be allowed to vote or reproduce.

If Jesus were president... this nation would be a theocracy, And every liberal would be crying for his crucifixion... 'let His blood be upon us and our children!' they'd all scream. What a steaming pile of dung eating hypocrites all you liberals are.

Where are the days of Kore when you need them? When the earth opened up and swallowed entire families for the sins of a single man?

Those days are coming again. Not for the sins of single man, but for the sin of all mankind.

What was so wrong about what Pat Robertson said? Haiti has been steeped in evil for centuries... corruption, violence, voodoo... Why is Haiti so poor, destitute, and now ravaged by earthquake when right next door the Dominican Republic is unscathed? Corruption is the reason Haiti is in the shape it's in. Not America.

But having said all this, Obama is doing the right thing in regard to Haiti. But they are quite fortunate they are NOT the 51st state. He's destroying the current configuration of the United States with his corrupted, horrid, and ungodly, policies. He'd only serve the people of Haiti the same.

For the people of Haiti that'd be a step up. But they'd be just as much slaves to governmental corruption as we here are now.

The constitution means nothing to people like Barack Obama.

Think about it.

The thing is, the person who wrote this, at one time, was someone I thought was (for a conservative Christian and right-winger) pretty sane. This note from Neptune, however, indicates that the right, for the most part, is quite honestly loony. There is no response to something like this other than, "Thorazine can be your friend."

Yet, at its heart, the Republican Party, the Tea Bag Conservatives, Glenn Beck, and in particular the Republicans in the United States Senate really aren't all that far removed from this rally to multiple assassinations and the murder of millions for political beliefs. Rather than a difference of kind, there is only a difference of degree between this kind of thing, and the utter and blanket refusal of Republican members of the United States Senate to cooperate on any item on the legislative agenda. The result, as Matt Yglesias describes in this post, is that we do not "have a functioning political system." And why do we not have a functioning political system?

Because Republicans elected to office believe, in their hearts, as the writer of the above comment do, that Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, and political liberalism in its current manifestation is fundamentally illegitimate. Their actions, especially those of Republican Senators, grind to a halt any and all efforts to stabilize the ship of state, and bring about some kind of national economic and political recovery.

That's the reality we face. A reality that suffers from the craziest notions to come along since the generalized conspiracy theory linking the Mob, the CIA, and the Communists to assassinate Pres. Kennedy. We are left, then, with a dysfunctional system that cannot move forward, or the country forward.

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