Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Communication Breakdown

Much discussion of our times centers on the burgeoning of "communication". Considering the general phenomena of the internet and cell phones - just two media platforms among many - the sheer variety available is quite staggering. Blogs and news sites, Facebook and Twitter, YouTube and iTunes inundate us with information and the variety of ways we can share it with one another and virtual communities of choice. With cell phones, we are no longer very far from contact with one another. Even more, cell phones connect us to all these platforms on the 'net, as well as providing a platform for expressing to the world our preferences for music (ringtones) and images (wallpapers, videos, and photos taken on these phones). Sitting and contemplating the complex warp and woof of these media could leave one holding one's head in frustration.

Yet, for all that these media and technology seem to create opportunities for people to communicate as never before, this only holds if people want to communicate. That is to say, technology doesn't solve the fundamental questions of how we deal with one another as individuals. For example, when a liberal on the internet provides some detailed information on the Obama Administration, as well as his own reflections on how that might play out politically, some of his commenters are quite certain they have the actual score.
We’ve got 50 mini-Hoovers running the states and now we have a mega-Hoover in the WH. We are so fucked.

Obamareagan adopted Republican talking points and framing durig the campaign. Harry and Louise p 2.
Stealth Friedmanite from University of Chicago. How long have Republicans been training the mole?

After Matthew gets through discussing how Obama is gonna help the Middle Class, maybe we could discuss how many angels can dance on the head of pin.

Give it up, Matt. There’s no 11 dimensional chess game here–Obama I’d a corporatist tool.

Say adios to the majorities in Congress. I’m sure Obama will enjoy the years of “bipartisan” Congressional investigations into gate crashers and other important affairs of the state.

The bottom line is this:
With this insane Hooverite policy Obama will set the country and progressive causes back 20 years.
It’s time to bolt fro the Democratic Party, this should make it CLEAR Obama is NOT where any true person of the Left should place their hopes, as Greenwald and others have been pointing out for a year now…

(in response to another commenter, part of whose comment is in italics)
I will be totally pumped. I want the administration to pursue left policy in a politically savvy way, which requires showmanship at times. What I see in the package outlined above are a) pretty impressive progressive policy achievements followed by b) a tactically brilliant political repackaging. I really, really, really like the looks of this.
Ted is another “eleven dimensional chess” Obama cutlist/useful idiot.

So it’s official now — spending more than the rest of the world combined on war, and increasing that spending every year, no matter what the condition of the economy, no matter what the objective security condition, is the policy of the Democratic Party.

Yeah, who cares if the economy tanks like it did in 1937 Ted?
What matters is that Obama punched some hippies again (with Rahm’s instructions) and people on the left are pissed.
Yay, Barack Herbert Hoover Obama!

(my favorite)
Bush’s Third Term?
We’re living it, folks.

Some things to note about these comments. Like their counterparts on the far-right, all of whom are convinced that Obama is a communist, an Islamist, an anti-Constitutionalist, or some combination of all three, these folks are quite convinced that their understanding of Obama's political ideology and abilities is superior to any analysis they read on the internet. Their disgusted dismissal of Yglesias' discussion of politics of the proposed plan, as well as questions as to the details of the plan mean nothing; they are, in fact, distractions from the reality they understand far better than anyone else. To whit: Barack Obama is no better that George W. Bush, our country is completely in the control of corporations who, in their turn, control our elected officials through unofficial bribes (campaign contributions) to get favored status for policies that are beneficial to them in the short run, but detrimental to their long term interests.

Furthermore, these smug gnostics seem to think that Matt is in hock to the corporate agenda. Much of their time is spent scolding him for being a tool, an overthinking, apologetic tool for "Bush's Third Term."

These folks are, in sum, as irrational and incapable of serious discussion as the folks at American Descent. Even though I wonder at such a policy myself - it sounds an awful lot like Bush's decision, in the wake of the 2006 drubbing the Republicans took to send thousands of more troops to Iraq (the exact opposite of what the electorate wanted or the country needed) - I also wonder what Obama's game here is (much as I do his foot-dragging on health care reform). I have a lot of questions, but few answers. Unfortunately, the people who have no questions, but all the answers are usually wrong.

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