Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Teabagging We Will Go (UPDATED with video)

It seems that the right is truly clueless. A couple months ago, they decided to set up nationwide anti-tax protests and attempt to cover them in a blanket of patriotic respectability, linking them to the anti-tea tax "Tea Party" in Boston of colonial days. Unfortunately, they chose as their nom de protest a phrase that conjures up images of a gayer sort, and have been the butt of ridicule ever since. No amount of huffing and harrumphing from them changes the fact that a bunch of anti-gay bigots decided to use a term for testicle stimulation for their movement.

Tax day is always a fun one. For some reason, people in the news business decide that it is necessary to interview, or cover, "anti-tax protests". Many years ago, on C-SPAN, I saw a speech by some guy who went out of his way while giving a speech to declare the income tax unconstitutional. No one pointed out the following:

Passed by Congress July 2, 1909. Ratified February 3, 1913.

Note: Article I, section 9, of the Constitution was modified by amendment 16.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Now, my wife and I paid our taxes all through the Bush years, when our money went to fund everything from the Iraq war to hush money to the guy Cheney shot in the face. We did so even though it continues to be a burden, not only because it's the law, but because it feels like one of those days where we do some serious participation in national affairs. No one likes to pay taxes, but you know what? It reminds me, at least, that I am an American.

Anyway, the teabaggers picked April 15th to stage their "nationwide protests" and the results are mostly funny, with occasional hilarity and a smattering of scary. They have turned from being anti-tax to a kind of generalized anti-Obama rallies (tea shirts with the words "Chairman Maobama" proliferate alongside signs declaring him a fascist; cleverness isn't a strong suit among the right). Coming on the heels of the leak yesterday of a DHS report on right-wing domestic terrorism, it seems the FBI has their job of monitoring these people made much easier.

The teabaggers aren't a threat. They aren't the beginnings of some nascent anti-Obama movement that will sweep Republicans back in to office next year, and the White House in 2012. On the contrary, they are a bunch of ridiculous sheep being led around by very rich patrons. One hilarious aspect is highlighted by Josh Marshall:
DON'T BE DUPED! The term "teabagging" has strong sexual connotations. Be wary of anyone with a camera asking you if you are a "teabagger" or if you enjoy "teabagging" or similar leading questions - they are trying to make a fool of you.(emphasis added)

Trust me. That wouldn't be hard.

Like all the right-wing attempts at restoring their broken brand - Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, Rush the Party Chief, Newt Gingrich's rehabilitation tour - it is more a source of laughter than anything else. A hint would be this - since you're not laughing, it might be a clue that we are laughing at you.

UPDATE: I know that Bob Somerby thinks this is reprehensible. I think it is necessary to just laugh at how funny and stupid they are. This is like an entendre-fest:

This is LOL of Epic Fail proportions.

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