Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Current Obsession

I have always been fascinated by ghosts. This is a kind of generalized thing in our family, too. Now, I have had some interesting stuff happen to me, including a very scary event in my parents' house when I was in high school (never repeated, though), and some interesting stuff at my oldest sister's house. So, when I discovered a show called Ghost Hunters was actually in its fourth season, well, I was all over it.

Now, I don't want you to think I've lost my mind. I am truly agnostic about what occurs on this show. The whole thing, while posing as a "reality show" could, in fact, be staged. My own favorite moments tend to be the discovery of what are known as EVPs, a phenomenon in which sounds like voices are recorded, sounds not heard at the time. While as many as fifty percent of the described "EVPs" on the show might also be nothing more than aural illusions, the brains connecting unconnected sounds to create a patterns (much the way we see constellations in the stars, or faces in photographs that aren't really there). On the other hand, there have been more than few things that have happened that, while not giving me the creeps necessarily, are most definitely interesting.

In the season finale last year, the TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society, based in Warwick, RI) was investigating a closed-down sanitarium in Clovis, CA. In this clip, the two leaders, Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson (plumbers by trade) are trying to chase down the source of some sounds they have heard but cannot pinpoint. What happens toward the end of this clip, well, I'll just post it:

Some other highlights are the investigation of the lighthouse in St. Augustine, FL; an abandoned sanitorium, Waverly Hills, outside Lexington, KY; the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO, and of Leap Castle in Ireland. There is a spin-off, Ghost Hunters International that has been a whole lot of fun, too.

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