Friday, April 17, 2009


Atrios is right. We are laughing at you. The hilarity is almost nonstop. There is nothing serious here. There is no movement. As the video here shows, these people have no idea about history, what they are protesting, and some are so ignorant they are almost inarticulate. This isn't made-up stuff. This is who is left holding the teabag - ignoramuses mad as heck because the evil liberals won an election and are actually doing the stuff they said they would do.

I also agree with atrios that they should do this as often as possible. Let the teabagging continue, from sea to shining sea. Let the sun never set on the teabaggers. The entire thing is a wonderful exercise in how years of really stupid public discourse has created a situation where people dumb as a bag of bricks assume that, just because we are writing about them, we must be . . . afraid . . . of them. While I do not like to repeat myself, once again may I just say - We think you are so damn funny, we want more not less of you. While you go off ranting about tyranny, getting Gov. Rick Perry of Texas talking about secession, the President and Congress and the vast majority of the American people who support both the Democratic Party and its policy agenda can go about the business of saving the country from what eight years under people like you have done. So, please, gather together and teabag to your heart's content.

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