Monday, April 13, 2009

The Right Is Wrong - And They Doubt The American Military

The resolution of the standoff with the Somali pirates - using the Navy SEALS and snipers to remove the immediate threat and then rescuing the freighter captain - shows, once again, how cool Obama is. He didn't make a "crisis" or "test" out of this. It was a situation to be dealt with. My guess is it took a few days to get all the pieces in place before the operation could take place; more than likely that was why the FBI hostage negotiation team was brought in - buy time. With this operation, my guess is it is far less likely American-flagged freighters will have troubles with the pirates.

What's most hilarious about this is the way the folks on the right, and Fox News blabbers managed a wrongness that should be remembered forever after. From Daily Kos, here's a nice summary, with reality entering at the end to put an end to the fantasy-mongering:

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