Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I May Be On To Something . . .

In light of my recent musings on tossing away the false security of the trappings we call life, I came across this post over at Original Faith, and I must say that I agree wholeheartedly with it.
Feel-good spirituality isn’t the real thing. Not all {Christians - or insert any other religious/spiritual affiliation} who get into car accidents find that they make a good recovery. Not all spiritual people are physically healthy. Not all prayers are answered. Believing in angels, saints, in Christian doctrine, or any other doctrine, is absolutely no guarantee of safety, security, health, wealth, or happiness.

If it were that easy, only the mentally incompetent would have (additional) difficulties. If ask and you will receive worked materialistically, then obviously any mentally competent person who saw all the believers asking and having and getting what they wanted would observe this, believe in it, and ask for and receive the things they wanted too.

Religion and spirituality have never been about people obtaining goodies, despite the fact that large segments of humankind have perennially tried to make it about that and supported each other in this delusion.

Blessed are those whose happiness is founded upon peace; woe to those whose peace is founded upon happiness.

I would only add that "peace" here should be defined not as the absence of trouble or turmoil, but being at peace in one's relationship with God, and accepting that blessings include turmoil. Being settled in one's life isn't peace, but acquiescence in the face of the possibilities open to one in following where the call of Jesus takes us. It called Peter away from his father's nets, and to an upside-down cross in Rome. Why should we think it calls us to a two-car garage in the 'burbs? How shallow is that? How false is that kind of faith?

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