Monday, September 10, 2007

This Magic Moment

So Gen. Petraeus and Amabassador Crocker are before two Congressional Committees today in the premiere of The September Report. One would be more enthusiastic about this if there were some indication that either one of them would do anything other than toe the Administration line, plead for more time, more money, and more patience. As all the independent, thoughtful Generals have either been fired or quit in disgust, we are left with this toadying sycophant and his mindless civilian counterpart mouthing words we have heard so many times before.

The worst part about it is that it is, and was specifically, so predicted and predictable. What are we left with? Nothing, of course, except a "defense" of the status quo, with the Democrats mouthing meaningless protests and the entire Republican political and media establishment are praising the greatness and purity of Petraeus, and the Absolute Truth of Every Word that flows from his mouth. Meanwhile, in the real world, Iraqis and Americans continue to die, with no strategy on one side and political chaos on the other. All during the 1990's, we kept hearing from Republicans that the Washington Establishment was irrelevant to the lives of Real Americans. Now, we are seeing that it is irrelevant even to the conduct of the war. They have at least managed to make their complaints reality, at the cost of only a few thousand ordinary lives.

Of course, the real news is Britney Spears' abysmal performance at the VMAs last night.

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