Saturday, September 15, 2007

Saturday Rock Show (UPDATED)

One of the best songs by a band that continues to get better and better - "Pray" by Disturbed.

OK, so this might be gratuitous and self-indulgent, but I thought a bit of background and exegesis might be appropriate. This song, the first written in the aftermath of the death of the lead singer's grandfather, a rabbi, and the attacks of September 11, 2001, are based upon the book of Job. Thus the chorus: "Living just isn't hard enough/You burn me alive inside/Living a life's not hard enough/You take everything away". I think such a prayer, echoing Job, is the beginning of true faith - to challenge God in the face of a life of suffering is to embrace at once true humanity and true faith.

The video, with its images of personal tragedy and social degradation (including the Job-like prostitute and now-homeless former business man), take the imagery from the personal to the social sphere. These are the implicit answers to Cain's rhetorical question to God, viz., "Am I my brother's keeper?" The answer, given in the midst of a prayer of protest (and that is what this song is) is, "Why, yes. Why else would I have created you as creatures who must live in community?"

Also, this song just plain rocks.

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