Friday, September 14, 2007

Minister Beaten, Arrested - for Wanting to Attend a Congressional Hearing

This happened on Monday, but I only saw the video today. It is exactly as described. Rev. Yearwood, of the Hip Hop Caucus, an ordained clergyman in the Church of God in Christ, was attempting to enter the combined House hearing on Monday morning. He was stopped, and first one, then two, then four officers approached him, preventing him from entering. As they attempted to lead him away, he exercised his quite honest indignation, not having been advised of the charges against him or the reasons for his detention. He was, as described, tackled by all four officers, and amid officers' shouts of "Stop Resisting!", repeatedly cried out, "I'm not resisting". Onlookers kept calling out, "Take it easy," and "He's a minister". A woman asked one of the officers/defensive backfield members what the charges were. The answer was resisting arrest; he was being removed because of a button that said, "I support the Iraqi people" - hardly the stuff of revolution. The woman who asked the original question acted with wonderful sarcasm.

Rev. Yearwood ended up in the hospital with a broken leg, among other injuries.

This is George Bush's America.

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