Sunday, September 09, 2007

Is This A Parody? Is It A Sting Operation? Or Is It Real?

Tristero at digby's blog highlights this site called Marry Our Daughter. The site advertises itself as, essentially, a brokerage service for people who believe in "Bible-based" arranged marriages. The "testimonials", however, seem to indicate those who so advertise are in straightened circumstances looking for Sugar Daddies, at least.

Over at Science Blogs, they seem to be of the opinion it is a phony site, set up either as a parody, or is a federal sting operation either to catch those looking for young women for the international porn-and-prostitution trade or sexual predators who prefer their quarry to be a tad younger than the law permits. I might lean that way if it weren't for the fact that, even if it is, there doesn't seem to be a law against dowries of which I am aware (it is tactless, tasteless, and unethical, but I doubt it is particularly illegal). Also, most states allow underage girls to marry as long as their parents give them permission to do so (I work with a woman who married at fourteen).

If it's a pardoy site, it does seem to be very professionally done. Most parody sites leave some tell-tale clue that they are, in fact, one long joke. I can only conclude that, despite its very over-the-top nature and questionable ethical basis, this is the real McCoy. I must admit, however, that no one would be happier than I should I be proved wrong. Check it out and let me know, OK?

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