Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Right To Be Obnoxious, Especially To Our Elected Officials

If, as he says (h/t, tbogg), Will Bunch doesn't believe that the young man tasered at the John Kerry event at the University of Florida should have been tasered, what difference does it make that he has a history of inflammatory comments designed to draw attention to himself? To be honest, were it Rush Limbaugh who was so treated at a John Kerry event, I wouldn't hesitate to defend his right to be as obnoxious as possible without fear of physical danger.

So the guy has a desire to be famous (that makes him about as common as a cold in our contemporary cultural situation). So the guy needs to tighten his prose a tad (not unlike certain bloggers who shall remain nameless . . .). So he has a history of writing things designed specifically to get a rise out of people. He still has the right to address a question to an elected official, and when that question is not answered to his satisfaction, demand an answer.

Unless, of course, we live in some authoritarian country now where the First Amendment doesn't apply.

Oh, right. We do now.

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