Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Our Gate Keepers Are Idiots

I suppose this is related to the previous post, on the excessive violence being employed to silence those who have the temerity to question those in power, or voice unpopular questions. Glenn Greenwald's latest not-to-be-missed column over at Salon.com outlines how really dumb is so much of our public discourse on politics. It isn't just Glenn, though, because Digby also manages to give multiple examples of fatuousness on the part not just of politicians but the supposedly bright and serious pundit class. While I am highlighting such idiocy, I suppose I should include TRex at Fire Dog Lake who sums up much of my feeling:
Every now and then, I hit a wall. There comes a point in every political blogger’s life, I think, when you’ve soaked up as much Bush idiocy, rank incompetence, duplicity, deceit, and downright dumb-assery as you can reasonably stand. I am saturated with Teh Stoopid.

When the limits of acceptable discourse are set by people who don't have the brains God gave a gopher, is it any wonder that the police are beating up people who express opinions either "outside the mainstream" or demand answers to questions? When David Broder still has something approaching credibility within Washington pundit circles after his laughably stupid insistence the George Bush was poised for a comeback, or his love-in for Lindsay Graham (who, by the way, is the first to publicly come out against the Dodd-Leahy Habeaus Restoration Act), you just know the entire system of political commentary, at least on a semi-official level, is broken.

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