Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Considered Response to The Senate's Refusal to End Debate and Vote on The Habeaus Restoration Act (WARNING -STRONG LANGUAGE)

So, the Republicans managed, once again, to prevent a vote on a bill to restore to the Constitution the bedrock principle of Anglo-American law. It also seems that Jim Webb's modest proposal to stave off the total collapse of our military by allowing our troops to rotate home more quickly, and for longer periods, might fall prey to competing bills, including one offered by fellow Virignian John Warner.

Over at Crooks and Liars, we have the wonderful site of a conservative tearing apart a general (Abizaid) who had the temerity to say that, as a matter of military policy, the United States could live with a nuclear Iran. It appears that Abizaid is learning the hard way that the only military personnel the Republicans, and right-wingers like, are those who are either dead, or willing to spout their version of reality. Ask John Kerry, or John Murtha, or Max Cleland what happens when people with impressive military records refuse to cow before the wisdom of all those who never served in the military.

These people have neither shame nor dignity nor an ounce of love for the country. In their honor, I offer the following song (again, if nasty words and angry rants aren't your thing, you might want to just pass this one on by). To be honest, I'm mad as hell right now.

ADDENDUM for CAMERON and NEON PRIME TIME: Both of you gentlemen have taken me to task in the past, and I have learned from you, concerning the use of foul language. I have tried to keep my mouth clean since then, as I felt convicted by your insistence that I could do better by keeping it clean. In my own defense, I can only say that I am simply outraged by the actions of certain persons in politics and journalism, and this is more of a venting process than a substantive statement of my position. As I have said before, and will say now, and will say in the future, "hate" is too strong a word for me; I do not "hate". The use of "hate" in this song, and the repeated invocations of the f-bomb are, for me, right now, a good way for me to say by not saying myself that I am really, really angry. I want to apologize, right here and now, for any offense taken by this song. I do not "hate" George Bush, or Rich Lowry, or John McCain, or John Warner. I am tired of the lying, of the attempt to publicly destroy the reputations of those who disagree on matters of public policy. I am tired of those in the blogs who cheer on the silencing of dissent through such smear campaigns, and endorse the shredding of the constitution in the name of some phony war on terror. I am tired of being told I hate the troops by those who are breaking the military, either through the policies they enact, or the support of these policies. Allow me my catharsis without taking it too much to heart. Even the best Christians slip in to sin, and I would never consider myself even a good Christian, so please have some patience with me.

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