Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's Like The Election Never Happened

In the past twenty-four hours or so, we have seen the Republicans filibuster two rather lame, conservative amendments (one of which was to restore the writ of habeas corpus to the Constitution) and vote successfully to condemn the MoveOn add against Gen. Petraeus. Didn't the Democrats take back the Senate last year? Don't we keep hearing all sorts of inspiring talk from Sen. Reid, the majority leader, about how the Democrats are going to no longer bend over and take it from the President and his political sock puppets in the Senate?

I think what did it is Nancy Pelosi taking impeachment off the table. Once the Democrats announced they would not pursue the perfectly legitimate and constitutional duty to investigate and, if necessary, indict the President on crimes and misdemeanors, I do believe the Republicans figured they could do whatever they wanted.

Put it back on the table, Nancy. Make it the table. Make it the entire room. Wallpaper your office with the word "Impeach the President".

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