Friday, May 04, 2007

The Republican Presidential Candidates

Last night's debate proved many things:
- Three of the men seeking the highest office in the land are unqualified for intellectual reasons, viz., they do not "believe in" evolution. Remove them from the list for any office of responsibility whatsoever.
-Rudy Giuliani does not meet his own qualifications, nor does he have all the qualities his ego would seem to insist he has. In short, he's a chump.
-Mitt Romney? I feel bad for him because much of the antagonism against him is faith-based, and I do not feel his religious views are relevant. People should be against him because he is a cowardly panderer, quite willing to jettison his political views for the expediency of seeking high office.
-McCain is, I think, a quite odd fellow. Barely contained rage, uncomfortable outside the all-embracing cocoon of the slavering media who are his only real constituency.
-Chris Matthews is a chowderhead.

While I am not impressed with the Democratic field - of course, no one was much impressed with Franklin Roosevelt, either, so that might not mean much - this gaggle of losers makes me yearn for Pierre DuPont. At least DuPont could speak well. The Republican Establishment will soon start howling for Fred Thompson to run, and run he probably will, but I think he will fare little better in the end, partly because he has incurable cancer that is currently in remission. In the end, this group of the incompetent, the marginally sane, the intellectually pithed, the morally obscene, and narcissistic manly-wanna-bes is what we have. To tell the truth, Sanjaya is more manly than this crew, and more competent, talented, thoughtful, and insightful as well. If Newt decides to run, the total IQ and electability quotient of the group may shrink a tad, but, in the end, the Democrats could run a crash test dummy and win in a landslide against any one of these guys. Keep the Republican Presidential candidates out in front as much as possible, I say.

Oh, and Ronald Regan was as awful as George W Bush is. Bush has less talent, less intellect, and less grasp of reality, however. This bunch is even more awful than our 4oth President.

The Ronald Reagan Library? I thought it would be a bunch of boxes holding old comic books and Playbills.

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