Friday, May 04, 2007

Does George Soros Rule My World? Not yet . . . but here' s hoping

I hadn't even heard of Soros until 200o or so. My first inkling was when I read about something called The Open Society Institute. As a Sir Karl Popper reader, I recognized immediately the reference to Popper's foray into political philosophy (relatively unimaginative, although I found his smackdown of Aristotle hilarious, and his generally favorable views on Marx interesting in light of the entire project); I ignored him, as I do most such things.

Now, it seems, Soros is behind everything we lefties do. Criticizing Bill O'Reilly. Criticizing empty-headed right-wing bloggers. Funding left-wing web-sites. Of course, Rupert Murdoch threw his support behind Hillary Clinton, not once but twice, through his NY Post newspaper chain, and did so with gusto. Murdoch, however, who actually is a pretty nefarious character, is nothing to the relatively transparent Soros, whose machinations are held in awe by the thoughtless among us. In light of my dawning realization on how much I am missing out, I am penning the following open letter to George:

George (may I call you George? You seem like a nice enough guy. . . OK, sorry, I'll start again)


Mr. Soros, sir. Could you fund this blog? I promise I will always call Bill O'Reilly an empty-headed, barely sane doofus. I promise I will post at least once a day with a link to Media Matters. I promise I will make sure that the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy, which you direct from your bunker somewhere in an undisclosed location, will triumph in a one-world state ruled by puppets, sycophants, and traitors to all that is good and true and right in the world.

Actually, if you send me money, I will keep doing what I'm doing, regardless. I have no shame. You can email me through my profile for the information. Better yet, come to my wife's church and hand me the check in person.

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