Tuesday, May 01, 2007


This photo is horrific. Courtesy of mindprod.com, it is of an Iraqi boy whose body was left to rot on top of a pile of rubble. We need to see the horrors we have wrought in the name of liberating the Iraqis, of democratizing the Middle East, and in the name of fighting them over there rather than over here. We have been exposed to too much nonsense and not enough grim reality (speaking of grim reality, if you are upset by that photo, you might not want to click the link, because mindprod.com has photos to make even the strongest stomach lurch and the bravest heart break).

On this, the fourth anniversary of "Mission Accomplished", perhaps we need to remember that, for too many, the mission has not been accomplished; in fact, no one is quite sure what the mission is. The only thing too many see are scenes like the one above.

We need to see them. We need to put them in our minds and remember them. We are responsible for this boy's death. We carry the burden of this horror in our lives, whether we support Bush or not, because we cannot divorce ourselves from responsibility out of political expedience.

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