Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I wonder if Chris Matthews Would Shut Up if we All Yelled at Him at Once?

I suppose it isn't just him. This morning, I heard a discussion on NPR on the incoming Congress that suddenly shifted to a discussion of CAMPAIGN '08. It seems the lip-flappers are bereft of things to talk about - it isn't as if we were in a war, or the globe were warming, or race relations are tumbling, or anything else. These "bubble-headed bleach-blondes" (to quote Don Henley) seem incapable of of actually discussing anything without suddenly referring to CAMPAIGN '08. Matthews is just the most pathetic example of a sad species - the brain-dead pundit.

I have finally linked to The Daily Howler, and we are given good advice - start tackling the framing of candidates now before the framing is done for us by morons like Matthews, who is the major culprit dissected in today's edition. I hate armchair psychoanalysts, especially those who know nothing about psychology, but I see Chris Matthews in high school as one of those pimply-faced ners, all elbows and shoulders and knees, having a horrible crush on the head cheerleader who is also class president and president of the National Honor Society. Knowing he will be rejected if he even thinks of saying hello to her in passing, he translates that rejection into a vidictiveness for any woman who is bright, witty, attractive, and successful. That is the only thing I can think of, especially when we come to his constant badgering of the junionr Senator from my home state. He just knows she will be the Democratic nominee in CAMPAIGN '08, and he just knows she will be the Democrats downfall. He knows this because Sen. Clinton is bright, witty, attractive and successful, and midwestern men are turned off by such women.

God, he's so pathetic.

Nevermind that Clinton has yet to announce whether or not she is running for the Presidency. Never mind we are over a year away from Iowa and New Hampshire. Never mind that in straw polls Clinton beats Republican front-runner John McCain time and again. Never mind that, despite pundit Clinton-fatigue, she seems as popular as she is unpopular, again in poll after poll. None of this registers with Matthews, who has some perverse desire to put Hillary in her place, wherever that might be. This weird obsession of his would be funny if it weren't so sad and so public.

Make no mistake, as it is more than a year out from the primaries, I am far from serious thought as to who I like for the Democratic nominee. I would like to see what the Democrats do with control of Congress. I would like to see who actually enters the race, as opposed to who the pundit class says over and over again will be the candidates. I would like to live my life for a year, then be able to make better decisions based on where I am a year from now. I think, though, that we could do far worse than having Hillary Clinton as President of the United States, although we could in all probability do far better as well.

It would make hysterical TV to watch Matthews for four or eight years, however, discuss how unpopular and unelectable Hillary Clinton is as she occupies the White House. Or it might just be sad.

Or, we could just ask him to please give it a rest.

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