Friday, January 05, 2007

A Civics Lesson for Congresswoman Boyda

Freshman Congresswoman Nancy Boyda (D-KS) apparently doesn't understand that, as a member of the House of Representatives, she controls the pursestrings over any and all Executive Branch policies. Indeed, spending and taxation bills can only originate in the House of Representatives. So, for Rep. Boyda to say what she has said reveals not so much a deference to the President (although there is also that present in her comments) but an almost total ignorance of the real power she has as a House member.

We can educate her, though. If you would like to remind Boyda of some home truths in the Constitution she has sworn to uphold and defend, you should give her a call or fax her Washington office (as always, be polite; also, mention where you got the information):
DC phone: 202-225-6601
DC fax: 202-227-7986

If not us, then whom? If not now, then when? This is part and parcel of how we use our muscle as liberal/lefty bloggers. We spread the word of heinous error, and we call these people to account. I will make my own call directly.

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