Thursday, January 04, 2007

The 110th Congress Begins

I was going to make this a "Short Take", but I just wanted to type that headline. There is so much howling on the right, like a three-year-old whose favorite toy of has been taken away because he was banging it on the floor and might break it. Now, he is screaming to the one who has taken it not to break it. I swear, they should be sent to bed without their supper!

Let's not even get into the misogyny over having (gasp!) a woman Speaker of the House! Even the women on the right seem totally undone by the thought of a liberal woman occupying a Constitutional office. I suppose they all thought it would the "right" kind of woman, not some America-hating, San Francisco-values promoting acutal by-God feminist like Nancy Pelosi.

After the initial 100 hours, we shall watch and see if the Democrats can keep the momentum, never letting the Bush folks steal the agenda.

As I said in the immediate aftermath of the elections (was it only?) two months ago, this is not the end, but the beginning, and we must treat it as a beginning - keeping their feet to the fire, no matter how hard it may get, no matter how difficult it may be repeating ourselves. There is too much at stake to slip even a little.

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