Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Last Day

This month-long exercise in attempting photography has been an eye-opener for me. Specifically, while I appreciate great photography, I cannot do it.

That being said, here's the many sides of me.

Tomorrow, I start a different thirty-day challenge, because I need structure.

Lisa is the 99%. Randall is become death, and it is sad.

Facebook has a lot of stupid stuff, which I devoutly ignore. They did a "30 Day Song Challenge" a few months back, and it was fun. There have been several improvements, deviations, variations, and the one I like best, which I start tomorrow, follows:
DAY 1: A song you've seen performed live
DAY 2: A song by an artist you have a crush on
DAY 3: A song you listen to when cleaning
DAY 4: A song that's been dedicated to you
DAY 5: A song you've requested on the radio
DAY 6: A song you wish you wrote
DAY 7: A song from your favourite soundtrack
DAY 8: A love song
DAY 9: A break up song
DAY 10: A song that reminds you of Autumn
DAY 11: A song that reminds you of Winter
DAY 12: A song that reminds you of Spring
DAY 13: A song that reminds you of Summer
DAY 14: A song you've played on a jukebox
DAY 15: A song from the first album you purchased
DAY 16: A song that describes your home town
DAY 17: A song you misheard the lyrics to
DAY 18: A song from the first group you saw live
DAY 19: A song you loved as a child
DAY 20: A song you listen to when you're in a bad mood
DAY 21: Your favourite music video
DAY 22: A song that describes your world view
DAY 23: A song you listen to in transit
DAY 24: A song you have performed in public
DAY 25: A song from a local band
DAY 26: Your favourite TV theme song
DAY 27: A song you listen to on the weekend
DAY 28: A song that motivates you
DAY 29: A song that's always stuck in your head
DAY 30: A song from the year you were born

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