Thursday, April 01, 2010

Unconstitutional Constitutional Powers (UPDATE) (UPDATE II)

I had not heard about this particular bit of crazy. Let's face it; calling the Census "unconstitutional" is a bit like calling the sun dark, OK?

Is it any wonder we don't take these people seriously whenever they cry about the way the Obama Administration is destroying the Constitution? I mean, come on, people. At least pretend you've read the whole thing.

UPDATE: The comments on this article are a welter of crazy and stupid in about equal amounts.

UPDATE II:( For the record, I just completed our household Census form, and it was such an unconstitutional overreach of executive authority because it asked how many people are living here, their names, their ages, and their ethnicity. For the record, it didn't ask about the animals that live here, how much money we make, or whether or not I think Barack Obama is the new savior of the galaxy or the anti-Christ.

It asked how many people lived here, and all the rest. The commenter at the linked newspaper article who says that he will only answer certain questions apparently hasn't actually looked at the freaking form.

Stupid abounds . . .

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