Thursday, April 01, 2010

Moral Monster

Quite simply put, the only thing worse than the apparent flowering of anointed pederasts in the Roman Catholic Church under the protection of then-Josef Cardinal Ratzinger is the continued defense of the current Pope's protection of these criminals by the Catholic League's Bill Donohue. I'm not even sure how it is possible for this man to appear on television and say the things he does without realizing that all the so-called moral education the Roman Church offers its adherents isn't a bunch of bunk. At the very least, this is a case of having someone defend the institution, and by doing so make it look far worse.

If it were the case, for example, that a Bishop of the United Methodist Church not only knew a particular pastor were a pedophile, but did not remove this person from appointment, but rather moved this person to a different appointment and covered up this person's crimes, you can bet your bottom dollar I would be (a) hanging my head in shame; and (b) be among the many thousands denouncing the denomination for its actions that threatened the safety and security of children this way. Donohue, on the other hand, seems to think that it is a problem with gay priests, rather than pedophiles, and anyway, since it's the Roman Catholic Church, it's OK.

What a horrible, horrible man.

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