Monday, March 29, 2010

"Son of the god of Enoch"

Apparently, Eric Cantor was threatened after all. Not by the fall of a random bullet through a window in the building that housed his Richmond, VA, office. Rather, a seriously disturbed young man posted a video on YouTube that directly threatened Cantor and his family.

According to one report, this young man - Norman Leboon - said the following:
When he was visited by federal agents on Saturday, he "stated that he is the 'son of the god of Enoch' and that his father speaks through him. Leboon stated that Eric Cantor is 'pure evil'; will be dead; and that Cantor's family is suffering because of his father's wrath."

I am quite glad the this young man was dim enough to post his threat and Federal authorities were able to pick him up before he could do anything to Rep. Cantor or any member of his family. Yet, one has to wonder, how many Leboons are out there, slipping in and out of reality, hearing the voice of whomever insist they kill this member of Congress, that mayor, that Senator. This is clearly unrelated to any political agenda - Leboon strikes even the casual reader as a textbook schizophrenic, in need not just of removal from society but also some serious medical intervention - which is precisely why it is so disturbing. The political whackos tend to be all talk (or, rather, shouting); the nutjobs, however, usually are far better at keeping a low profile than Mr. Leboon.

Rep. Cantor was extremely fortunate to have attracted the attention of a less-than-stellar-bright crazy person. One wonders, however, how many smarter-than-Lebroons there are out there, with Rep. Boehner, or Speaker Pelosi, or Sen. Lieberman on a list, waiting silently for their chance to strike . . .

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