Sunday, March 14, 2010

Which Churches Don't Do Social Justice?

Glenn Beck has goofed. Nothing surprising there, because he's dumber than a postage stamp. His call for people to "run" from any church that preaches social and economic justice is not just stupid; it's ignorant and funny, too.

See, the thing is, any Church - be it a local congregation or denomination - that is really a Church of Jesus Christ has as part of its ministry the pursuit of social and economic justice. You see, all that stuff that Beck thinks is Marxism - liberation theology he hasn't read or understood for example - is really just good, old fashioned Christian theology rooted in the Biblical witness. It's all there, starting in the stories of the expulsion from the Garden and the story of Cain's exile, really. In those instances, we already see God's justice and mercy are one and the same, and we Christians have more stories than that - and not just stories! whole books of the Bible called "the Prophets" - helping us understand that God's love is to be extended in this world through welcoming in to community everyone. Part of the welcoming includes working to undermine and destroy the barriers we insist on building based on race, class, ethnicity, sex and gender, what have you.

Social justice is not some leftist quirk that just emerged suddenly since Karl Marx. It's at the very heart of the Christian life, it defines diakanoia, service, it can be seen in the lives of the saints, in the work of Anabaptist groups such as the Friends and Mennonites. The Methodist Social Affirmation was written . . . in the first decade of the 20th century not under the influence of Karl Marx, but John Wesley.

In other words, social justice isn't a quirk, but a necessary part of being the Church, called out by God to serve the world. Any claim otherwise is, quite literally, ignorant.

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