First, it seems pretty clear to me the guy is sexually confused.
Second, I think that it is far too easy to make fun of the interview on Glenn Beck's program, where Massa said something about tickle-fights. In fact, the multiple accusations about unwanted touching amount to pretty clear evidence of a pattern of behavior that should be disturbing to anyone. It doesn't have to do with being gay; it has to do with not understanding boundaries and what is, and is not, proper behavior.
The comparison to the Mark Foley affair is problematic, because Foley, it seems, had a penchant for the underage. Yet, unwanted physical contact is unwanted physical contact, regardless of age.
Finally, there does seem to be emerging some evidence that the Speaker of the House new of the accusations against Massa. Unlike Dennis Hastert in the case of Mark Foley, however, the evidence isn't clear that she either covered anything up, or urged him to continue in office and even seek another term.
Massa is leaving, and good riddance, and I hope he gets some help.