Sunday, March 14, 2010


My wife is being appointed to a new church, starting July 1 this year. We will end six wonderful years here in Poplar Grove, and begin a new life in Plato Center, just west of Elgin. Things will get hinky with the blog over the course of the next few months as we pack up our lives and move to a new house, a new town, an entirely new church community. There have been and will be tears shed as we say goodbye to the people of Poplar Grove UMC who have become our extended family.

The mixture of emotions right now is difficult to grasp. The thing is, though, I think I summed up my own feelings best when I told Lisa that we have become too comfortable here, and maybe that's not a good thing. Being comfortable is not to be denigrated; it shouldn't be part of the life of a minister and that minister's family, though.

So, now that the cat's out of the bag, we can start the complicated process of ridding ourselves of so much stuff, packing up the essentials (like our library, the hundreds of CDs and DVDs without which . . .), and starting something fresh, new, and exciting.

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