Friday, March 19, 2010


Glenn Beck, apparently, is doubling down on his truly warped idea that working for social justice is unChristian.
This past week, Glenn Beck publicly revealed that his staff is moving beyond simply twisting the news for ideological ends to now funding opposition research and internet attack campaigns with the stated purpose of destroying the personal credibility of pastors who dare to question statements made by FOX commentators.

And who, pray tell, is the first target?
But the pastor who quickly rose to the lead of the Catholic, mainline, and evangelical rebuke of Glenn Beck was Rev. Jim Wallis, President of Sojourners.

And so with no scriptural or theological arguments to fall back upon, Glenn Beck apparently decided that his only option is to try to destroy Rev. Wallis personally. Personal attacks aren't uncommon from partisan commentators, but what is especially troubling about this most recent development is that Glenn Beck isn't just planning to throw insults; he said that he has been using his FOX staff to research everything that Rev. Wallis has ever said or done and to dig up dirt on the people who work with the pastor.

Now, I'm no fan of Wallis, for a variety of reasons. All the same, this would be funny if it weren't so frightening. Of all the people Beck could pick to go after . . . Jim Wallis, who has lived a very public life for, at least, a quarter century?

So, has he rescinded his apology, or is he just plain loony? Inquiring minds and all . . .

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