Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The "Not-Mount-Vernon-But-They-Still-Owned-Slaves-So-It's-All-Good" Statement

It's always fun to read conservatives talk about the Constitution. Especially Ed Meese, who violated it more times than most conservatives can count (unless they aren't wearing shoes and have a couple vestigial toes; then they might be close).

A couple things about this "statement". One bullet point toward the end reads:
* It encourages free enterprise, the individual entrepreneur, and economic reforms grounded in market solutions.

I guess I missed that part every time I read where the Founders wrote that Congress has the power to regulate commerce. Apparently, they meant "regulate by not regulating" which is a bit like going to war for peace.

The nice thing about being a conservative is you are able to destroy the country and never have to apologize for it. It's always someone else's fault, especially if they are liberal, the first black President, and have an African surname. And besides, everything would have been fine if the American people didn't notice how much they hated George W. Bush.

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