Monday, February 15, 2010

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out (UPDATE)

I would have thought Evan Bayh would have stuck around if for no other reason than the folks who control the conventional wisdom in our nation's capital dearly love him and his constant idiocy. Apparently, though, he has a bit more integrity than, say, Joe Lieberman.

Like Sarah Palin, another darling of Washington insiders, Bayh is quitting, only with more integrity than Palin, who left after two years in office.
No other thought than good riddance to bad rubbish. His "statement" is a meaningless combination of self-flattery and nonsensical drivel.
"For some time I've had a growing conviction that Congress is not working as it should," said Bayh. As a prime example, he referred to the recent filibustering of legislation to create a bipartisan fiscal commission. What particularly bothered Bayh was that it was defeated by Senators who had previously been co-sponsors of the measure itself, but then blocked it for what he described as political reasons.

Just ugh. Imagine a political body using politics to do its job. This is a Louis Renault moment from Casablanca if ever I read one.

UPDATE: While I would probably replace "immoral" with "venal and self-regarding", Matt pretty much sums up why Bayh's departure is as awful as his actual tenure.

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