Sunday, July 05, 2009

Republican Governors Losing Their Minds

The more I think about Sarah Palin's resignation, the more I'm convinced that another Republican governor has just lost it.

Mark Sanford abandons his post, and then spends a couple news conferences waxing creepily on his "soul mate", without addressing the issue that he left without telling his staff, or leaving anyone in charge.

Now, Sarah Palin quits, blames the media, and people think it's some deep strategy, rather than, you know, her just being incapable of governing and quite possibly being a tad bit on the loony side.

I'd blame the water, but I doubt Alaska and South Carolina share an aquifer. I'd blame Obama (like Rush did for Sanford's goofiness) but . . . no. No, I think these people were always crazy and incapable of the administration of state government; reality is dope slapping them and they can't handle it, that's all.

Of course, this doesn't bode well for other Republicans running for their various State houses. It isn't good advertisement for your party that two of its most visible governors have quite publicly gone funny.

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