Monday, July 06, 2009

Music For Your Monday

I was listening to "Sound Opinions" on NPR on Saturday, and they had a special on "Driving Songs". Their picks covered the gamut, from the Beach Boys to Kraftwerk. It got me thinking of a song, then a band, and I realized I had my Monday music post!.

I've never driven through the deserts of California, but for some reason this song has always made me think of driving a straight, old two-lane black top out in the middle of the desert, the top down, maybe pulling over and wandering a bit among the cactus and tumbleweeds and scorpions.

BTW, I was really ticked that Janet Jackson ripped off the opening guitar riff for a song a few years back.

I was embarrassed to learn that the lyrics to this song were originally written when the songwriter had been dumped by his girlfriend - at 16 or 17. Listening to them now, it should be pretty clear that's exactly when they were written. But, it's a pretty melody, even if the whole "We used to laugh. We used to cry" business reminds me of a Mark Sanford news conference . . .

It was my father who ruined "Horse With No Name" for me. I was listening to it, and he walked by and said, "That song is about herion, you know." I looked at him, and he said, "'Horse' is street slang for heroin." I was 12 so I didn't know that, and even though the song isn't about heroin, I can't listen to it without hearing him telling me that. That's why I picked this song, rather than "Horse". I like the harmony, the harmonies, and the fact it's a little darker than their usual fare.

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