Friday, July 10, 2009

I Think An Apology Tour Is A Grand Idea

The President is overseas, right now for the G-8 meeting. Afterward, he is heading to Ghana. Every time the President goes overseas, the right carries on about Obama doing an apology tour.

Considering the world had to deal with Bush and his doofishness for eight years, I think an apology tour is a great idea.

Now, of course, Obama is doing no such thing. He signed what amounts to a letter of intent for negotiating another START treaty with the Russians. He will address the people of Ghana who have successfully navigated the rocky shoals of the democratic transference of power (the recently retired President serves the African Union now). At the G-9, chaired a meeting of the 8 and a group of developing nations on matters of energy and climate change.

Apparently, doing things the President of the United States should be doing, and Americans should be proud of him doing, amounts to saying, "I'm sorry we had such a lousy President for eight years," to conservatives. Just having Obama in office is a huge downpayment on contrition, if you ask me.

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