Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I Write Letters

Rep. Ron Waite,

My name is Geoffrey Kruse-Safford, my wife, the Rev. Lisa Kruse-Safford and our daughters attended a public meeting held today at Blaine United Methodist Church in northern Boone County. A couple incidents, as reported to me, are in the very least disturbing, with one I consider highly inappropriate.

During the course of the meeting, you made several partisan comments. Blaine UMC is a non-partisan, tax-exempt house of worship; any such comments you might make there threaten the tax-exempt status of Blaine United Methodist Church. As a member of the Illinois legislature, I would think you were aware of this. Lack of judgment, however, seems to have overcome propriety.

The second incident is far more personal. You sought a photo opportunity with my eight-year-old daughter, without seeking the permission of her mother first. Even had such permission been sought, it would not have been granted, precisely because, as a minister of the Gospel, having her daughter pose with a politician would be seen as an implicit, partisan endorsement. Yet, the very idea that you would seek to do so without asking the child's permission is highly inappropriate. As the child's father, let me assure you I would prefer a very public apology for this highly dubious act on your part.


Geoffrey Kruse-Safford

PS: Out of courtesy, I wish to inform you that this letter has bent for publication to the Rockford Register-Star, the Springfield State Journal-Courier, and will be published on my weblog,, with a link provided from my Facebook page as well.

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